Tracks you can’t label, the result of a deeply moving and emotional recording process. I needed a process to manage the deluge of responses. It’s telling that this likelihood rises when the product category contains highly profitable and strongly marketed brand names like Coca-Cola or Campbell’s. CBS. “Generic and Store Brands vs. Brand Names: Lifestyle Expert Tells When It’s Worth the Extra Money for Brand Names, and When It’s Not.” CBS News.
Hamm, Trent. “Getting Over The Taboo Of Generics & Store Brands.” The Simple Dollar. A Consumer Reports study found that by sticking with store brands, they could save an average of 30 percent with every grocery trip. We found a print of the Detroit skyline with a Van Gogh-style Starry Night sky. As my friend, the illustrious Langdon White pointed out, Detroit has more enormous potholes than Boston. Regardless, it felt terrific seeing my friends and fellow contributors in Detroit.
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